We successfully completed the FAT tests of the innovative panel cleaning device FWP ITER FWP. This state-of-the-art equipment, purchased by Fusion for Energy (F4E) – the European Union organization tasked with the European contribution to the largest international fusion experiment, the ITER, will be installed in the final phase of the FWP panel production line.
During FAT testing, manufacturing facility contractor Fussion Business Leadership assisted with a representative from F4E. The FWP panel cleaning system, First Wall Panel, is responsible for carrying out a deep and meticulous cleaning of the panels, removing manufacturing dirt such as grease, milling fluid, traces of beryllium and graphite in several steps.
This revolutionary system has degreasing additives, front and rear cleaning, front and rear rinsing, manual lance cleaning and automatic drying. Likewise, it integrates an airlock that allows the entry of the FWP from a contaminated and depressed area, while the exit of the clean panel is carried out in a clean area at atmospheric pressure. In summary, the NUSIM technology guarantees a thorough, efficient and safe cleaning process for ITER FWP panels.
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