[accordions] [accordion title=”辐射剂量计“]
→ DIS被动剂量计
→ TLD 2000阅读器
→ 放射剂量计RAD 60
→ TLD剂量计
[accordion title=”阿尔法谱仪“]
[accordion title=”伽马能谱测” active=”yes”]
→ DigiBase
→ NIM插件
→ ORTEC高纯锗γ谱仪
→ 多功能射线检测仪
[accordion title=”衣服工具污染监测“]
→ CPO工具污染监测仪
→ RTM610废物及清理监视器
→ RTM750衣物分拣仪
→ COMO170/300便携式表面沾污检测仪
→ MicroContⅡ表面污染监测仪
[accordion title=”个人污染监测“]
→ RTM110 手、脚、衣服污染监测仪
→ FastTrack Fibre门入口式监测仪
→ RTM-860TS全身污染监测仪
→ RTM-870pre全身污染监测仪
→ TwoStep Exit全身污染监测仪
[accordion title=”辐射测量仪器“]
→ RDS31 辐射测量仪
→ RDS-200通用型智能辐射仪
→ SCINTO便携式高灵敏度闪烁体剂量率测量仪
→ 德国GRAETZ X5C PLUS防爆辐射剂量率侦测仪
– Basic Analog MCAs for routine applications.
– Plug in MCAs Cards.
– Standalone USB Connected MCAs.
– NIM Modular MCAs.
– DIGITAL all-in-a-PMT-Base MCAs with Bias Supply and DSP Signal processors for use with Scintillation Detectors.
– Integrated Digital Workstation MCAs for use with HPGe Detector systems.
– Portable Digital MCAs for HPGe and Scintillation Detectors.
→ Analog Multichannel Analyzers
→ Digital Multichannel Analyzers
→ Portable Multichannel Analyzer
→ Analog Multichannel Analyzers
Analog Multichannel
[button icon=”article” url=”http://nusim.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Analizadores-Multicanal-Analogicos.pdf” target=”_blank”] 下载PDF[/button]
→ Digital Multichannel Analyzers
Digital Multichannel
[button icon=”article” url=”http://nusim.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Analizadores-Multicanal-Digitales.pdf” target=”_blank”] 下载PDF [/button]
→ Portable Multichannel Analyzer
Portable Multichannel
[button icon=”article” url=”http://nusim.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Analizadores-Multicanal-Portatiles.pdf” target=”_blank”] 下载PDF [/button]